Prune Hill Elementary Mural

I recently collaborated with the students at Prune Hill Elementary to create a larger-than life, jungle-themed mural.
The mural process started art instruction to all of the students at Prune Hill Elementary. I taught each grade level to create a different jungle-themed plant or animal; flowers, beetles and butterflies, chameleons, frogs, toucans and macaws, and fish. Then, with help from my niece and co-artist Elsa Harris, and a couple of big scissor lifts, I painted the background for the mural in the main entrance to the gym and cafeteria at Prune Hill Elementary. The students’ artwork was then incorporated into the mural, creating a beautiful and engaging piece of artwork.
“Allowing everyone to be involved in creating these murals is important to me. Because art is so relational, this type of involvement from kids, schools and communities really draws people together. When we create collaborative murals, the kids love coming back and looking for their artwork - the frog or the beetle that they painted is up there somewhere for them to find.”
Watch the video here: Prune Hill Mural Video
I want to thank Holly Folk for taking the photo on this page as well as all of the amazing photos in this video. Check out her website at