Transport Yourself Back in Time and Find the Rest You've Been Missing
Do you sometimes long to go back in time? You know, the good parts of the past. Simple living, no cell phones, and homemade meals.
Yep. Me too.
What if I told you that it’s possible to be transported into another era? Would you go?
If you showed up in Anacortes and took the ferry, in about an hour you’d be driving up to a stately, old beautiful inn. When you cracked open the big, solid wood door at the front and started walking down the hallway, you’d smell chocolate chip cookies. You’d feel like you were walking back into the 1950s, living on an episode of Leave it to Beaver as an honored guest.
Welcome to Lopez Island and Edenwild Retreat where time has stopped. Your cell phones don’t work too well. People wave at you and talk to you. There are signs like “Eggs-$5” and “Please throw your money in the bucket.” Other signs say, “Don’t change Lopez Island; let Lopez Island change you.” And it’s true. Lopez Island does change you.
Signing up means you’re in for quiet walks, lots of laughs, fantastic farm-to-table food, and good conversations around the fireplace after dinner. You might even find—after walking up to your cozy room—that an after-dinner cocktail awaits you. Can you picture getting into your pajamas after a soak in the tub? And you can get up early to walk along the shore of the bay …
or sleep in and ignore everybody and everything. You choose.
What’s the benefit of stepping back in time? For one thing, it forces you to slow down, something that is so beneficial for your overly busy life. Slowing down allows you to process something painful, to heal from a wound or a loss, or to revisit the direction of your life. If taking a step back in time is something that interests you, join us at Edenwild.
Time is so precious and Edenwild is a place where you have plenty of it.
Time to think. Time to paint. Time to explore. Time to laugh. Time to rest.