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Here are 3 Small, Simple Steps that will Help You Go to Italy
Italy inspires everyone. When you step into the belle paise, you are transported back in time. The ancient architecture, the clothes...

How to Choose What is Best over What is Good
As a seven on the Enneagram, my personality type tends to choose fun activities to avoid pain. When I went through my divorce in 2009, I...

How Celebrations Pave the Way for Confidence and Success
In sports, you drill, practice and train for the big game or tournament. People are invited to come and watch you. Why? Because you are...

How my Art Community Protects me from being “Ghosted”
This is a write up about the importance and beauty of community and family in your life and the protection they offer.

How Childhood Labels can Keep You from Experiencing Your Creative Side
Growing up, my parents were very encouraging of my sister’s and my talents. Early on, they saw what we did in our free time or on the sly...

How to Feel More Alive by Changing Your Attitude — Go All In!
I was salsa dancing with this young buck named José. He was bringing his A-game, trying out new moves, and I was doing my best to follow....

Avoid seasonal sadness. Escape to balmy beaches with me!
I went to Costa Rica last month for a lot of reasons: I wanted to avoid the anniversary of my break-up last year. I wanted to avoid...

Improve your Life by saying “No” so you can say “Yes” to Creativity
Lent is here. For many, this is when they give up something for forty days to spend more time with God or to discipline themselves in...

One of my Biggest Regrets is Saying "No" to a Trip More than 30 Years Ago
I was 16 and in my junior year in high school. My sister was studying abroad in Costa Rica for a semester and my dad said, “I’m going to...

Help Your Friend Reset Her Life and Inspire Her to Feel Alive Again
A year ago on February 13, my nine-year relationship with Jorge finally collapsed. Granted, it had been on shaky ground for some time,...
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